Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Insight about me.

My name is Sylvette García, I am a student in the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras campus.
I'm currently getting my major in Cellular Molecular Biology in Natural Science.  I'm really passionate of what I am studying and plan to pursue my future in this area of study.  I always find myself on the move searching for new places.  Let me share with you guys a little insight of who I am.  I like to visit new places, especially here in Puerto Rico, in which sometimes us locals underestimate its beauty.  I enjoy of late night running, skating, bike rides, coffee, music, and going to the beach.  Also I have a passion for ballet dancing and arts.

Let me take you in a journey of my previous trips.  The following list exposes the top 10 places that I had visited during my life. I only have been on a plane once and was to DisneyWorld, my other trips are basically road trips around the island.
1.    Culebra- Flamenco Beach
2.    Isabela, PR- Jobos Beach
3.    Isabela, PR- Middles Beach
4.    Cueva Ventana- Arecibo, PR.
5.    Cueva del Indio- Arecido,PR.
6.    Cavernas de Camuy- Camuy, PR.
7.    Icacos Island.
8.    Mata la Gata.
9.    Disney World
10. Gozalandia- San Sebastian, PR.

Most of my trips are road trips right here in my homeland Puerto Rico.  One of my best experiences was visiting Gozalandia in San Sebastian, PR.  This is a hot spot for tourist and specially locals.  It’s a river with natural cascades and a lot nature. 
During my trip, my friends and I were amazed of the beauty this place beholds.  In one of the rivers there was this man, a local, which gave us a mini tour.  He shows us the underwater caves and told us some awesome stories.  Also we jump into the river with a rope.  Our identity as locals was questioned with the local man, but when we offered him some 'quenepas' he knew we were from the island.  Its interesting the fact that many locals are 'turist' on there own place and that give us a insight of what we are missing in paradise.  Ihope to explore most places right here in Puerto Rico.  Also I want to travel around the world but that’s just a matter of time.


  1. I'm personally in love with your blog. It's really natural, fresh and down to earth. For me, the most amazing thing is the fact that even though you haven't traveled a lot, it seems that you had a great experience in our island and love doing it. We need more people like you.

  2. Beautiful blog, Sylvette! I find it very interesting that you enjoy internal tourism. Many usually prefer to get on a plane a travel elsewhere. Your post inspired me to want to do so as well. I didn't know about Gozalandia, but those pictures made me want to visit it. I can't wait to see your other posts.

  3. From what I read, I see that you had visited a lot of beautiful places in Puerto Rico and that you enjoy a lot in them. I also notice that you are a very adventurous person. I hope that one day you plan and adventure for the "Utopian Journey" group.

  4. This place looks like a lot of fun! Hopefully I'll get to visit some time! I think it's great that you've been to lots of places here on-island. Many of us, even though we live so close, don't take time to do internal tourism.

  5. You really like internal tourism. It is really good to discover the beauty of Puerto Rico. Good blog!
